Kids + Baking

One thing I’ve learned in my five months of being a mom is that kids are a wild card. Just like we didn’t choose our parents, we can’t choose what they look like, what personality they have and what they’ll grow up to be. We can only nurture and pray.

Baking helps me cope with the loss of control in my life. My agenda is now run by a thirteen pound little human that can’t control her drool. Baking is stability; butter will melt… these ingredients will make cake…and so on. A friend of mine said to see these new parenting changes as obedience to the master instead of self sacrifice. I have to tell myself that every day. Some days it seems like joyful obedience, some days it feels like painful sacrifice. I will take it all though because my little girl is amazing. And even on the days she’s not behaving so amazing… there’s pastries.

I believe she’s trying to tell me that she will love butter as much as I do. (Please ignore her horribly mis-matched outfit. ha)

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